
Sunday School

"These words that I am commanding you today must always be on your minds.  Recite them to your children..."  - Deuteronomy 6:6-7a (CEB)

Teaching our children has always been a priority for us at the Village Church.  Our program is designed to improve knowledge of the Bible, to strengthen their love of God, and to develop their practice of Christian discipleship.  We utilize a variety of methods, including an interactive curriculum, engaging media, group discussion, and tactile experiences.  

Children begin worship with us at 10am, and are invited to Sunday School after the children's message.

Small Group Ministries

"His purpose was to equip God's people for the work of serving and building up the body of Christ..."  - Ephesians 4:12 (CEB)

Small group ministries are Bible studies, book studies on a spiritual topic, or other groups in which relationships and discussion play a central role.  The focus is on personal spiritual growth and living as a follower of Jesus.  New studies are being offered all the time for both daytime and nighttime participants.  Many include video presentations each session.  Check our events page on Facebook for recent offerings.  

Village Preschool

"Train children in the way they should go; when they grow old, they won't depart from it."  - Proverbs 22:6 (CEB)

Our cooperative preschool is dedicated to the belief that, through the efforts of our staff and parents, we give our children the best possible start.  Our teachers strive to provide stimulating and challenging mediums where children are encouraged to develop good listening and learning skills.  Their nurturing ways go far in helping children develop a fundamental love of learning.  Parents can expect from the Village Preschool a quality educational experience with a seasoned staff and small classroom ratios.  Children entering Kindergarten from our school are well-prepared!  

Vacation Bible School 

"'Allow the children to come to me,'" Jesus said... ' because God's children belongs to people like these children."  - Mark 10:14 (CEB)

Every year at Vacation Bible School is a powerful experience for the children of our community.  It's a week packed with fun: exciting crafts and experiments, small group Bible exploration, tasty treats, and plenty of water play!  We welcome children aged 3 through Grade 5 and encourage young people aged sixth grade and older to help as volunteers. 

Local Missions

"I assure you that when you have done it for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you have done it for me." - Matthew 25:40 (CEB)

Our church supports a number of local efforts, including the Celia Flower Food Pantry and the Women's Advocate Ministry.  In addition, the church provides blood pressure screenings, food baskets during certain holidays, meals for members in crisis, and help for those who come to us in need.  Our Thrift Shop offers access to resources during hard economic times.  

Thrift Shop

"... love your neighbor as yourself."  - Luke 10:27 (CEB)

Our Thrift Shop, located in the trailer at the back of our parking lot, welcomes everyone with a big heart and a reassuring smile.  We offer a variety of items, and all donations are gladly received.  Perhaps most importantly, however, our staff is here to listen.

The Thrift Shop is open on Saturdays from 10 am-4 pm.

Global Missions

"He has told you, human one, what is good and what the Lord requires of you:  to do justice, embrace faithful love, and walk humbly with your God."  - Micah 6:8 (CEB)

As United Methodists, we are engaged in missions all around the world.  However, our church supports a number of missions independently.  For example, for the last several years we have partnered with the Glen Cove Senior Center to produce knitted goods, which in 2013 went to the Christian Appalachian Mission Project.  

Click HERE to learn more about how your gifts facilitate Christ's work at the Village Church!

Learn how you can support the church through your online shopping:

Traveling Church 

Our newest ministry is bringing Worship and Praise to Rosewood Rehabilitation and Nursing.

We are excited to offer this to the residents who are unable to attend our regular service. 

We sing hymns, read scripture, and share in the Lord's Supper.

Thank you to Denise, Facility Manager, for encouraging and supporting us on this new ministry outreach.
